About Jedco Builders
Jedco Builders is a recognized leader of the installation of SIPs and serves contractors throughout New England. We have the capacity to take on multiple projects throughout New England with our professional crew of skilled craftspeople.
JEDCO Builders is owned and operated by Jeffrey E. Dunham
Jeff is a University of Maine Alumni with degrees in: Bio-Resource Engineering, Wood Science & Technology, Fluid Power & Pneumatics and Advanced Engineering Wood Composites.
He has more than two decades of experience working with structural insulated panels, engineers, architects, contractors, timber framers, home owners and carpenters throughout New England. Over the years he has led and worked hands-on in hundreds of residential, industrial and commercial projects. Early on in his career he joined a firm who is still regarded as an industry leader in the manufacturing and installation of structural insulated panels. There, his knowledge, creativity and know-how were highly regarded in the research and development program, manufacturing process and installation of panels.
Contact: Jeff Dunham for more information: jed7227@gmail.com